Probiotic Kefir Hack
Probiotics are most effective when consumed as food —rather than in pill form. Coconut water kefir is my favorite probiotic drink and it’s easy to make here in the tropics or at home. I don’t drink “booch” — kombucha because it seems to always contain some sugars that could have been eliminated if it were fermented longer. Kefir is light and refreshing and I drank a lot of it when I was easing into and out of a water fast.
Probiotics are good for supporting your immune system and that’s crucial now that coronavirus is a pandemic. They are also excellent for your gut, even if you do not have digestive problems. They produce lactic acid which may prevent harmful bacteria from colonizing the intestines.
A statue of Ganesh protects my kefir as it ferments in a (relatively) cool dark place
Probiotic kefir hack:
-500 ml bottle raw organic coconut water (Costco sells excellent one by Harmless Harvest)
-3 drops monkfruit extract or liquid stevia, to taste (optional)
- 1/2 capsule of probiotic pill such as acidophilus — look for a multi-strain probiotic if possible and keep in the refrigerator.
-Optional flavoring: ,I added the juice/pulp from one passion fruit into each of a few bottles.
-Tip out a few ounces of the coconut water to leave space for fermentation.
-Add contents of 1/2 capsule of probiotic to coconut water
-Optional add-ins: If using passion fruit like I did, it will need to be strained out when the kefir is ready because fruit will be floating on top. I chose this fruit because it’s not too sugary and my goal is to have this drink be low/no sugar.
-Adding a little sweetener cancels out some of the sour flavor from fermentation
-Close tops well and keep bottles in a cool dark place.
-Once a day loosen the top to release fermentation gases.
-You can ferment it to your taste. I like one and a half to two days. The rate of fermentation of course will also depend on climate in your home.
Since I am doing this in Bali where it’s warm and humid, it ferments more rapidly so I like to check it twice a day.
Once it is done to your liking, keep in the refrigerator.
I like to drink 4 to 6 ounces of kefir after meals to aid with digestion.