Gluten-free, Vegan, Entrees, Healing Lifestyle, Recipes Leslie Pollock Gluten-free, Vegan, Entrees, Healing Lifestyle, Recipes Leslie Pollock

The Trick to Making Perfect Gluten Free Pasta

I love pasta but I would usually feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating it anyway due to the gluten in the wheat, so it’s not a huge sacrifice to switch to gluten free pasta made from a whole grain. I’ve tried so many different GF pastas, fancy ones, cheap ones, and I keep returning back to the only one I like — Trader Joe’s organic brown rice penne. Here is a foolproof way to cook gluten free pasta.

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Veggie Cakes

I used to love crab cakes and salmon cakes but since I went through treatment for cancer I’ve transitioned into a mainly vegan and gluten-free anti-inflammatory diet. I’m always looking for ways to get a lot of vegan protein in my foods without a lot of fat. Chickpeas/garbanzo beans (I use these terms interchangeably) are always a good choice for me. They have about 14.5 grams of protein in one cup (cooked) and 268 calories, plus they are high in fiber, at 12.5 grams dietary fiber per cup. I love their versatility, their creaminess when pureed. These veggie cakes feature mashed garbanzo beans and peas and are stuffed with more grated veggies. They’re nutrient dense and delicious.

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Riceberry Raw Summer Rolls with Ginger Peanut Sauce

There are so many good things about these raw vegan summer rolls, I just don’t know where to begin! Riceberry is a whole grain rice with a purplish color and it can be found in Thailand. I found these riceberry rice papers so I had to try them out, even though I’ve never successfully rolled a summer roll in rice paper. It’s a little tricky but my rolling got a little better with practice. Notice the beautiful mauve color of the rice paper. But ordinary white rice paper will work just fine too.

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Vegan Pumpkin Rendang Curry

Rendang is a curry popular in Indonesia and Malaysia and contains lots of immune-boosting favorites like garlic, ginger, shallot, turmeric lemongrass and kaffir lime. Although it’s popular to use beef in rendang, my version is vegan and uses kabocha instead. It is anti-inflammatory, alkaline and an excellent anti-cancer dish.

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Keto Vegan Green Beans with Cashews and Coconut

Green beans are in season pretty much all year round in Southern California and it’s easy to find high quality organic green beans. I started using this recipe when I was following a vegan diet. This recipe has an Indian influence but it’s extremely versatile. It can be a scrumptious side dish to accompany a roasted chicken, kebabs, fried rice or a curry. Buy fresh organic dried coconut flakes, unsweetened, and raw organic cashews.

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Low Cal, Gluten-free, Entrees, Vegan, Soups Leslie Pollock Low Cal, Gluten-free, Entrees, Vegan, Soups Leslie Pollock

Beluga Lentil Salad

Lentils are nutrient dense, packed with polyphenols, iron and protein, folic acid and magnesium. I eat them a lot as part of a vegan diet. Beluga (or black) lentils, are named because of their similarity in looks to caviar. Their earthy flavor means they stand up well to strong flavors like fresh herbs and dijon mustard.

This beluga lentil salad recipe is nutrient dense, and an excellent part of an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer diet.

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Gluten-free, Recipes, Soups, Vegan Leslie Pollock Gluten-free, Recipes, Soups, Vegan Leslie Pollock

Vegan Minestrone with Pistou

Minestrone is a thick vegetable soup of Italian origin, usually with beans and pasta. My version is vegetable dense and omits the pasta and the parmesan rind traditionally used to add umami. Instead, I add fresh basil pistou (like pesto but thinner and without cheese) to bump up the flavor. It’s vegan but the flavors and texture are hearty and you won’t feel you’re missing anything.

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Bakes / Desserts, Gluten-free, Keto / Paleo Leslie Pollock Bakes / Desserts, Gluten-free, Keto / Paleo Leslie Pollock

Grain-free Sugar-free Persimmon Nut Bread

I was given a bag of organic persimmons by a friend, who’d picked them on her family’s property. I experimented with a recipe to come up with a grain-free sugar-free persimmon bread that would be a good fit in my anti-inflammatory anti-cancer diet. It was so delicious I asked for more fruit and baked them as holiday gifts. This persimmon bread recipe is moist and has a good tooth. Most people who tried it didn’t even know it wasn’t made with wheat flour or sugar.

Persimmons are in season in Southern California in Fall. This bread works well as a dessert , snack or as a breakfast treat. Be sure the persimmons are ripe and organic.

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Gluten-free, Entrees, Recipes Leslie Pollock Gluten-free, Entrees, Recipes Leslie Pollock

Gluten-free Mac n' Cheese

I don’t normally eat mac ‘n cheese but many people told me it was the only thing they could eat after chemotherapy treatments. So when I started chemo for my breast cancer I decided to come up with at least a healthier version of mac ‘n cheese. This would be considered an occasional treat as part of an anti-cancer diet. My version uses gluten free pasta and grass-fed organic cheese and milk.

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