Vegan Pumpkin Rendang Curry


My Saturday brunch was this homemade vegan pumpkin rendang curry with quinoa. It was super easy because I used a kitchen hack— a rendang spice paste packet from the market.

Spice packets like these can be found in most Asian markets

Spice packets like these can be found in most Asian markets


Kabocha, or Japanese pumpkin, contains high amounts of beta-carotine (great for immunity), vitamin C and some B vitamins and is much lower in calories than many other squashes.

Rendang is a curry popular in Indonesia and Malaysia and contains lots of immune-boosting favorites like garlic, ginger, shallot, turmeric lemongrass and kaffir lime. It’s a satisfying dish, anti inflammatory, alkaline and super delicious.

My ingredients. Notice I’m sprouting some garbanzo beans for another meal!

My ingredients. Notice I’m sprouting some garbanzo beans for another meal!

Here’s my recipe to make 2 large servings:


-1 lb of cubed kabocha (Japanese pumpkin) or butternut squash - cut in bite-sized cubes a little over 1”
-1 cup green beans thinly sliced on the diagonal
-optional slivered red chilies to taste
- Rendang curry spice packet (red Thai curry can be a substitute)- about 1.8 oz
-1 can organic coconut milk (look for a BPA-free can if possible)
-1 1/2 tsp sea salt or Himalayan salt, to taste

-3-6 drops monkfruit extract or liquid stevia, to taste
-optional 2 tsp soy sauce or liquid coconut aminos if avoiding soy sauce

-good quality coconut oil
-optional - 1/2 cup shaved dried coconut
-juice of 1 lime
-Place a heavy bottomed medium-sized pot on medium heat -once pot is hot add 1 tbsp coconut oil and heat
-Add contents of spice packet and stir well until the scent is released, about 1-2 minutes
-Add pumpkin cubes and stir to coat well. -add the watery part of the pumpkin milk
-Stir well and add salt.

-Bring to a simmer and reduce heat to keep at a low simmer uncovered -simmer time will vary— pumpkin cooks more slowly than butternut squash, and it will also depend on the size of the cubes
-Check after 10 minutes and keep checking every few minutes after that. -Once pumpkin starts to slightly soften add beans and chilies if using
-Continue to simmer about 5 minutes stirring occasionally -add thick coconut milk and soy sauce or liquid aminos plus optional low glycemic sweetener to taste

- optional - squeeze a lime over top before serving then sprinkle with coconut flakes
-Serve with brown rice or quinoa and enjoy!


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