Welcome to Cancer Kitchen Boss.

Your convenient source of inspiration to crush cancer.  Let’s get through this together!

Cancer Kitchen Boss grew from the idea of taking an active role in my own cancer journey back to health, through nutrition, complementary therapies and attitude shifts.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in March 2019 and knew I’d survive but it might be a rough ride through surgery and treatment. While I’ve always favored holistic and natural cures to western medical approaches, I chose to go with surgery (lumpectomy), chemotherapy and radiation. When presented with the statistics of my odds of survival without doing these traditional therapies, it was an easy decision. But I knew that I could improve my experience in the short term and also help prevent the cancer from returning in the long term with complementary therapies and a targeted diet. Once treatment is done I plan to continue with this regimen for the next five years to make sure cancer doesn’t visit me again. Once is enough, thanks!

At the time of my diagnosis, I was a private chef specializing in therapeutic foods and Japanese cuisine. Then I became my own client. I researched, read, interviewed, and listened to my body in choosing foods to eat. All evidence pointed toward a nutrient dense diet including no sugar, alcohol, refined grains or processed foods, minimal (grass fed) dairy, some bone broths, some wild caught fatty fish, lots of vegetables, and all organic. I loosely decided to follow an anti-inflammatory, alkalizing diet that’s about 80% vegan and low carb. I’m still tweaking it as I read more, and am considering fully diving into a 100% keto diet, also considering incorporating intermittent fasting once I’m through with treatments for cancer. For more specifics about my diet and regimen read here

I boost my immunity with a number of complementary therapies and supplements. Most of these things are available fairly inexpensively.

This was not a difficult regimen for me to adopt because I already had much experience in cleansing diets, fasting and following a holistic path to health. I was raised in a radically health food-oriented home in west Los Angeles in the 60s and 70s, eating organic produce and very little meat, with no processed foods or sugar in the house. I’m fortunate to have that foundation and I know that you might not be able to imagine your life without Lays Potato Chips (my personal weakness), chocolate chip cookies and burgers. But when your health is at stake and can be so greatly improved with a nutritional reset, it’s worth every sacrifice. It might mean having your partner or family on board with the diet too – but ultimately everyone wins.

I’ve talked a lot about what I put in my body but there’s a lot more to getting through this than just the physical aspects. Realigning your attitude in a positive way is key to improving your quality of life while in treatment. That’s where many of the complementary therapies come in to play. Beyond yoga, meditation and acupuncture, I make sure that I continue to do the things that make me happy and spark that joie de vivre that keeps me chugging through the more challenging days.

I’m crushing cancer, not letting it get the best of me and I invite you to do the same!

Leslie Pollock a.k.a. Cancer Kitchen Boss