Probiotic Kefir Hack
KEFIR HACK: Probiotics are most effective when consumed as food —rather than in pill form. Coconut water kefir is my favorite probiotic drink and it’s easy to make here in the tropics or at home. Raw organic coconut water kefir can be prohibitively expensive when purchased at a top grade natural foods market but this hack is cheap and can be done while traveling. The probiotics that emerge with fermentation make kefir excellent for gut problems and for boosting immunity, something we all need more of during this Coronavirus scare!
Day 7 of Fast: Wooziness, Food Porn and Self Care
I am in Ubud, Bali, on a mission to cleanse after going through chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. In order to do a deep cleanse I am fasting, combined with juicing and a mostly raw vegan diet.
The more I looked at pictures of food while fasting, the more I could taste elements of each dish. I tried to replay any taste and texture memories of dishes I’d tried, and made a great effort imagine any dishes I saw online that I hadn’t had yet. I felt myself getting excited by this food porn journey during my fast.