Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock

Another Big Change of Plans: Choosing Love Over Fear

Many or most of us have had their lives turned upside down in a matter of a few days, once the pandemic set in in mid-March . I find myself trying to second guess and imagine what’s going to happen in the year ahead, what our daily life will look like, what work opportunities may arise. I’m a planner and not being able to plan makes me feel anxious and ungrounded.

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Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock

Glitter is All Done. Now What?

I’ve finished all my cancer treatments but instead of feeling elated, I feel slightly sad and uneasy about what’s next. Apparently cancer survivor depression is a common thing. As the Mayo Clinic explains, ‘Recovering from cancer treatment isn't just about your body — it's also about healing your mind.”

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