Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock

Another Big Change of Plans: Choosing Love Over Fear

Many or most of us have had their lives turned upside down in a matter of a few days, once the pandemic set in in mid-March . I find myself trying to second guess and imagine what’s going to happen in the year ahead, what our daily life will look like, what work opportunities may arise. I’m a planner and not being able to plan makes me feel anxious and ungrounded.

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Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock Healing Lifestyle Leslie Pollock

Year in Review - The Big "C" and the Art of Letting Go

2019 will be remembered as the year of cancer but also the year of discovery. As much as I tried to prepare myself for how it was going to be, the treatments, the awful side effects, the endless medical appointments and poking and prodding and medications and poison going into my body, I prepared for the worst only to find it wasn't as bad as I expected. I had to give up trying to control my experience and rather, accept and surrender to it.

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